Throwback Thursday: Space Marines

My buddy recently found an old flash drive of mine from college, and on it…

GenCon Minis Photo Dump @ LH

Buddy G’daybloke of Lost Hemisphere fame recently gathered up his moxy and headed to GenCon…

Vallejo Game Air – New Airbrush Paint Line!

Schnauzerface got his hands on an advanced set of new Vallejo Game Air paints.  He…

[HtT] [Relic Knights] Quick Glowy Bases

Relic Knight Bases I’m working on getting my first 35 pts of Relic Knights painted…

[Fun with 40k] Plarzoid’s Dark Angels

Earlier, LynchPin spoke about his Tau Force and I wanted to quickly discuss my plans for…

Rust Chipping Video from ScaleModelMedic

This is a fantastic 15-minute look at some common rusty paint chipping techniques.  You won’t…

[Fun with 40k] Origins: LynchPin’s Tau

Some locals and I are getting our feet wet into 40k as a beer and…

[40k] Tau Firewarrior

The muse struck, and this happened.