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[40k] Tau Firewarrior

[40k] Tau Firewarrior

The muse struck, and this happened.


I purposely didn’t do any blending on this.  I wanted to go for a cell-shaded, anime feel.


It badly needs an oil wash to black line the armor panels.  You can see where I used a brush to black line the shoulderpad and helmet.  It’s a pain to do and requires touch-ups afterwards, but this particular model has been spray painted and airbrushed about half a dozen times, so there’s not much detail left for an oil wash to take to.  He’s a test scheme model, and thus has served his purpose.


The back’s a bit dark still.  I’d like to find one more teal spot back here, perhaps the hip armor?

Color recipes are petty simple (everything’s P3):

  • Bloodstone, shaded with Battlefield Brown and highlighted with Heartfire
  • Meredius Blue shaded with Coal Black and highlighted with Arcane Blue
  • The leather is Thamar Black highlighted with Exile Blue and then highlighted again with Cygnar Blue Base
  • The black plastic gun bits are Thamar Black, then Greatcoat Grey, then Greatcoat Grey with some Morrow White
  • The hoofs are Hammerfall Khaki, highlighted with Menoth White Base, then Menoth White Highlight

I probably won’t be doing much Tau in the immediate future, I just wanted to paint a model from start to finish the other day, in order to feel a sense of accomplishment.  I have too many projects and haven’t felt like my time’s been productive, so a quick, easy win was just the morale boost I needed.

Lastly, here’s a pic of Libby in a cute red bandana (she has a cough again, so it’s also a warning while on walks), as an apology for springing this on you.


Audience Participation

How do you stay motivated when you loose steam?

View Comments (5)
  • Pretty much do what you do. I have a lot of irons in the fire atm, so I often feel the need for a “win’ but doing a single model to finish.

    This Firewarrior looks great though! What other projects do you have?

  • A win is always great. I paint something entirely different or just a model for fun with no real intent or design behind the model, nor really caring how it looks as its just for me. This has oddly enough sometime resulted in some of my best looking models.

    Other times I go back and look over different art books, websites, or videos for inspiration or just for the mental break. I used to use computer games, but those sometimes end up taking over my spare time I’d rather honestly be using for painting! 😀

    Failing that, I’ve found that group painting is a fun nonstress way to help, though I haven’t done that since the last time I saw you at G&S. I like to see other people paint and socializing is fun too. Maybe a quarterly painting party/get together is in order?

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