Feat of Service Custom Legion Warlock
It’s that time of year again! Around Memorial day for the past two years, my gaming club has put on a fundraising event called Feat of Service. The purpose is to raise $$ for the Wounded Warrior Project.
I participated in the Custom Caster event, which is aimed at more casual players (there’s a 50-pt ADR Masters event for the more competitively minded). The general idea is to create a new, custom Warcaster for your chosen faction and then play several 35-pt games all day trying for achievements much like a book release event. It’s effectively a mash-up of Who’s the Boss, Spell Draft and Summer Rampage
The process itself is pretty simple.
- Pick a warcaster or warlock from Prime or Primal (essentially, any of the warcasters or warlocks that are free in War Room)
- Strip off the spell list, keep the weapons, feat and back-of-the-card abilities (as well as any other abilities on the model like Stealth or Pathfinder, etc).
- Change the model’s original faction & system to your chosen one (for example, Vlad1 could become a Troll Warlock, and all instances of “warjack” on his card would become “warbeast”).
- Build a 25-pt list using your new Warcaster’s WB/WJ points, but without knowing what spells you’ll have. You do know your feat and back-of-the-card abilities.
- Spell Draft 8 spells with three other participants. We use only the spells from the Warcasters and Warlocks you can choose from in step 1.
- You keep FOCUS-1 or FURY-2 spells, depending on what system you’re using (Warmachine or Hordes)
- Flesh out your 25-pt list to 35-points.
- Buy parts and build & paint a custom model to represent your new character Warcaster
- Play games, earn achievements, win prizes!
Ok, so now that you know how the process works, here’s my journey through it.
I started knowing I wanted to play Legion. I wasn’t sure what chassis (spell-less Warcaster) I wanted to use. I was considering Deneghra, imagining her feat as a big wave of blight that crippled everything nearby, and I considered a few other models, but ended up with Deneghra1. So, I take her cards, ditch all the spells, and she now is considered a Legion Warlock, with 7 FURY.
I then drafted up a 25-point list. Not knowing what spells I would end up with meant it was really beneficial to start with a very balanced core list. I knew I needed to feed that 7 FURY, so I threw in a Ravagore and Carnivean. 7 FURY is enough to pass around Spiny Growth if I need to, and I just love the Carni’s model. The Ravagore’s self explanatory. with Deneghra’s ridiculously high defenses, a Shredder also made sense. This left me with 7 points, which let me take a full unit of Legionnaires and a Shepherd. I knew I was likely to add a third heavy, so paying for the FURY support now made sense.
So, my list looks like this:
Deneghra 1
* Carnivean
* Ravagore
* Shredder
10 Legionnaires
The next step is to draft spells. I didn’t take super detailed notes on what I had each round, but the six I ended up keeping out of the eight I drafted were:
So, I had some solid “gotcha” zots, a solid (legion-y) battlegroup buff, an army-wide defense buff and a get-out-of-jail-free card. Pretty awesome. My warlock’s shaping up to be a huntress, or troubleshooter (in that she tracks down the trouble and shoots it).
I needed to flesh out my list, though, so I took a look at what was painted, and decided that a Seraph and Forsaken would do fine. I’ve fallen hard for the Seraph. I don’t think it can kill stuff at all, but damn is Slipstream handy. It gets 2″ of extra threat on anything in the army – the Carnivean, Ravagore, Denny or Forsaken. People are pretty used to their threat ranges, and the Seraph lets you catch them when they think they’re safe.
So, that decided, I needed a model. Legion Warlocks are always female, so I needed legion-y female parts that weren’t from an existing warlock. I found some solid parts in the Sorceress on Hellion and Beast Mistress. As soon as I realized I’d need to do a female model I knew I wanted to use Annyssa Ryvaal‘s head.
So, I ordered the parts and got to work. I decided I wanted to use the Beast Mistress’ legs and the Sorceress’ torso and arms. Even her weapon was perfect.
I cut the Beast Mistress in half, like a cheap magician at a birthday party. Her torso went into the bitz box, and the rest of her from the waist down remained.
Next, I removed the Sorcerss’ head with clippers and then used some Dremel tools to make a concave surface at her neck, where the scarf/cape is. The sorceress model has some feathers around her neck, but they were almost impossible to keep. I also cut off her legs and then carefully removed her hips. They’re molded into the cape and her torso, so the Jewelry saw earned it’s keep.
There was a fair bit of grinding involved to get a decent join between the two halves, so it didn’t look like she had a spine in the shape of a Z. But, I think it all turned out well:
Overall, I’m very pleased. She looks like a model you could buy off the shelf, which is pretty cool.
If you’re anywhere on the eastern seaboard, consider coming to this awesome charity event next year?
She looks awesome. 🙂
I kinda wish there was an event like that near me so I had an excuse to build my own custom caster…