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Painting Update… sort of

Painting Update… sort of

Who remembers Clash of the Titans, from Lost Hemisphere, back in the day?

Well, that group of zany misfits have become good friends of mine, and most of them will be at Templecon in just under a month.  To celebrate the holidays and our special friendship, we’re doing a paint exchange among the 8 or 9 of us.  Each of us was randomly given someone else to shop and paint for, and those models are what have waylaid my work on the Khador.

Funny story – I saw this being filmed while at CES two years ago.

That’s not even the bad news.  The Bad News is that I can’t even show you the models as I’m working on them.  The person I’m painting for reads this blog, and will no doubt know that they are for them, thus ruining the surprise.  I know right?  That dirty, rotten scoundrel!

Rest assured, though, that I have been taking LOADS of pictures along the way, and there will be a significant post right after Templecon detailing all the goodness that has come from the combination of what I learned from Meg’s class and the freedom that comes from being able to work on a model knowing you’ll never have to see it again.

Lost Hemisphere is Back!!

So, while I don’t have models to show you, I do have fantastic news.  LH is back, baby!

Check it out in all it’s sexyness:

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