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And the winner is…

And the winner is…

 @desertwarlock aka Rob Alaniz

 … from Twitter!



You’ve won!

Rob, E-mail me at plarzoid @ gmail . com to claim your prize!

The competition was tough, but thanks to the folks at (who use cosmic radiation as the seed data for their random number generator), the stars have quite literally chosen you!

Find me at Templecon!

I’m working the Iron Arena desk from 10am to 2pm on Thursday, but I’m playing games 24/7 from then on.  Tweet me to set up a game, or just stalk me, and you, too, can have one of these useful widgets from Advanced Deployment with the Plarzosaurus on it!

I’ll have my Khador there, along with my 40-card sealed deck of M14 and High Command.  If everything goes right, I’ll also have a Rasputina crew of 25-35 ss, but don’t expect me to know what I’m doing with it.

Lastly, I may or may not have a copy of Android: Netrunner.  We’ll see.

More to come!

It was several months between this contest and my last one.  That’s horrible!

So, stay tuned for more goodies!  I have some stuff that I’ll be giving away soon, so keep checking back on twitter, facebook and here on the blog.

I promise there won’t be any more social media related stuff.

I think, perhaps we’ll do some sort of painting challenge, much like Ron over at Mini Army, Huge Time Sink is doing…

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