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[M:tG] M14 Draft Tech 3

[M:tG] M14 Draft Tech 3

It’s Friday, so it’s time to crack another pack!

[cardlist title=”Booster 3″] Shadowborn Apostle
Marauding Maulhorn
Hunt the Weak
Chandra’s Outrage
Gladecover Scout
Trained Condor
Altar’s Reap
Dragon Hatchlin
Hive Stirrings
Banisher Priest
Woodborn Behemoth
Dragon Egg
Sliver Token

First Pick

This is a three-way tie for me. I like that [card]Dragon’s Egg[/card] gives you a turn as a chump blocker, and then gives you a pumpable 2/2 the following turn, all for 3 mana. I also like [card]Chandra’s Outrage[/card] for all sorts of obvious reasons. Lastly, I like [card]Marauding Maulhorn[/card]. It’s efficient and it keep the pressure up on your opponent.

I don’t know why I keep picking all Red stuff. I really like the [card]Woodborn Behemoth[/card], but I think that unless there’s some land advancements in the deck (stuff that pulls lands out quickly) in order to pull off it’s party trick.

[card]Banisher Priest[/card] is another solid piece, probably removing a big beastie for a turn or two of punishment. [card]Dragon Hatchling[/card] gets a lot of attention, but I feel like it’s a mana hog. [card]Trollhide[/card] is noteworthy, as is [card]Gladecover Scout[/card] for some early game annoyance.

Over all, very underwhelmed by this booster.

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