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Mugu’s TempleCon Picture Extravaganza 2

Mugu’s TempleCon Picture Extravaganza 2

Mugu’s back with part 2 of his Templecon photo dump.  Today, he has pictures of some of the amazingly detailed costumes he saw at the convention.

Welcome back to the wonderfully weird world I live in!  🙂  As I want to finish another post before heading off to bed, here are some of the cool costumes folks were wearing at TempleCon.  This really is only a handful as I easily saw 40+ people in costume while I was there.  Enjoy!

Have steampunk sniper rifle, will travel...

This gentlemen stood outside the dealer’s den and exclaimed “Buy my gun!”  I didn’t follow him up on it, but I assume he made these for sale.

A Gentleman Adventurer

This nice fellow even gave me his card (I have it somewhere…) after letting me snap his picture.

Hel~lo Ladies!

I actually didn’t see these two ladies until Sunday morning when I was checking out of the hotel.  They and all the folks in costume were really nice about letting me take their pictures (thank you all!).

Aye, aye Cap'n, dona shoot me!

Despite him brandishing his pistol, he was one of the few pirates I saw at the con.  He was dressed differently every day.

A friend of Alice's perhaps?

This nice lady had a really intricate costume that my poor picture taking abilities don’t really show unfortunately.  I meant to ask her if it was an Alice in Wonderland theme, but forgot to. 🙁

Seems she's found a willing

 As I was taking her picture, her friend came over and I got both their picture together.  He had a very nice armpiece that I meant to ask him about, but alas I was hauled off for food, and I was fairly starving at that point in the day.

And yer little dog too!

 Ah!  Another gun brandishing well dressed gentleman adventurer and his lady friend.  These two folks also had on different clothes every day of the con if I remember correctly.  They also had a very friendly and cute dog on leash that was with them all the time.

And now you can tell I'm at the end of my post 🙂

And this well dressed …er… Dr. Who-orangutan (at least that’s what I’m calling him, something about the scarf….  In any case, I think he had this costume on all day long, every day.  I don’t know how he didn’t pass out from sweating to death.

And that wraps up my second post.  Hopefully next year I’ll actually take more pictures.

Are you in any of these pictures?

Do you have any cosplay, costumes, outfits, or gear that you like to wear to cons?

Have you made any cool gear that you like to show off, even if its only online?

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